jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Twilight Struggle and OCS


No more Combat Commnader play this week. Unfotunately, our working schedules were incompatible and Ramon and I will not meet today to play. But I was playing against Jordi a game of Twilight Struggle as he was released from his OCS- Guderian’s Blitzkrieg II match.

I was playing as American and Jordi leaded the Russians.


He had a very bad time from the very beginning as his card hands did not allowed him to stablish a heavy world wide domination. American got scoring cards in Asia and Middle East and managed to get an early advantage of 4-5 points. In Europe there was heavy fight for France when Russians played De Gaulle in secound turn. Early war ended with Americans leading the scoring track and Russians racing in the space.

At the beginning of Middle War, Soviets began an attempt to dominate Africa but again Americans got the scoring card and, by playing succesful coups they managed to minimize the effect on VPs.


More fight has been seen in France where we even need to down the markers to 1 when we got 9 influence points there (and we raised again to 8 Sonrisa). In Asia after an initial push of Americans, Russian turned the continent with several coups in the Southeast and the play of Indo-Pakistani war. Centroamerica was following Fidel and Che doctrines whereas in SouthAmerica, US had strong followers in Brasil, Venezuela and Argentina.

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So we have entered late war with soviest leading space race and a neat American advantage in VPs. Then, I played wargames to give russian 6 Vps and end with a US victory by 2 VP.


Some pics also of the GBII game with Germans already at Bryansk:

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