lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

A year playing ... (and III)

The other monster game played at the club was not a game but a series of games: Operational Combat Series (OCS) by The Gamers. The idea came as a few buddies in the club decided to play Case Blue, the monster game about the fights in the steppe of Army Group South from 1941 to 1943.
Not only is a monster (2800 counters) but it is also a hardcore wargame (combat, movement, supply, air support, and all this stuff...). So, first thing before to be involved in one of this overwhelming campaigns is to get the feeling of the game and learn the rules. Possibly everybody agrees that Tunisia is one of the best for this introduction into the series. And this was the campaign played by Mateo and Jordi as Allied against Alberto who lead the Germans.
And some pics:
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While these guys were playing their monster wargames we have fun playing some sessions of "lighter" games
Manifest Destiny by GMT
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of course, one of our favorites, Dominant Species by GMT games

pic784193_md la foto 2_5 la foto 1_4

and, for Ramon's pleasure (thanks for the pics), Puerto Rico
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Finally, just to mention that i have continued my task on introducing games to my 9-year-old kid and besides the usual sunday gaming sessions at home we had a funny afternoon at dad's club where everybody was ready to play Formula D with us.
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Now, he wants that dad builds a tower dice for him. But that is the task for another year...

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