We have played yesterday this new scenario from C3i #26. It depicts a figth between the men of the 9th SS Division and Canadian Règiment Les Fusiliers de Mont-Royal leaded by Major Dextraze in the French village of St. Martin de Fontenay to liberate the Falaise road.
German has two SS squads, two teams and two leaders plus a HMG. For the attack, Canadians had eight Guards squads, three teams and two leaders, one of them (2-lvl leader) representing Major Dextraze. As supporting weapons they have two light mortars and a HMG. Two of the assaulting squads are equipped with satchel charges.
Playing map is #14. The main strategic defensive position is given by the scenario as the building of objective 4 represents the village's church and it is considered at Height level 1 for LOS purposes and it is a bunker. This is the main objective for both sides and it is valued 9 points from the beginning of the scenario.
This is the set-up chosen by both sides:German has chosen to deploy the HMG at Objective 4 where it can protect the advance through the grain fields behind the line of houses. SS Squads are guarding Objectives 3 (middle) and 5 (left). Objectives 1 and 2 (in the lines of houses) have no point values (for the moment).
Allied split their forces in three groups. Main group, leaded by Dextraze, will try to quickly advance through the fields until the line of houses and then prepare final assault. Supporting tems will be at the middle with the task of deploying a smoke screen to protect advance of squads. At the left, Canadians have deployed a diverting group. If possible this team will try to advance towards objective 5, diverting fire from the main group and menacing this Objective (which is 3-point secret objective).
But a fortunate event occurs at this moment and just in front of the church some sparks have inflamed the church's orchard and create a blaze hex that effectively blocks LOS to the HMG towards the houses. Now, Major Dextraze can safely recover and slowly plan his attack.
In the left side, Allied had decide to move towards Objective 5, slightly protected by a small smoke screen. However, HMG was extremely efficient and got two broken squads (but no the leader himself). Then, one of the squads panicked and it is routed towards the very last row of the map.
Then, suddenly, a breeze appears that removes all the smoke placed by the Canandian mortars and spreads the fire towards the house at Objective 3. The SS squad and the Elite team must abandon their position and choose to go to the foxhole just in front of the door. Now, Objective 3 will be permanently in Germans hands as it became impassable terrain. Moreover, all objectives now are 1-point value.
After a few minutes of quiet, with the Canadians paciently building again a smoke screen and the Germans trying to fire through heavy hindrnace, a few more events have again changed the equilibrium of the situation. German SS squad at Ojective 5 got broken and in a disperate attempt, decided to advance into meleer against the menacing Canadians guards. But in spite of their own Ambush, Canadians were ready for the fight and eliminated the SS. With no objective to fire, German decide to replace his unuseful HMG towards the marsh at the end of the map (NOTE: this is a mistake as marsh is considered a Water Hex and weapon cannot be fired from there, but we forget about that rule).
With all the defensive fire around the field, more events came into play. First, Germans got a reinforcement from his table and his Commander call for Artillery support (11-radio). Later, Canadian hero appears ready to assault german squads in front of Objective 3. But in this melee, and in spite of sacrificing Initiave card, Germans got a 12, eliminating the Canadians and advancing the time.
But again another spark initiates a fire. And it is just in front of the German HMG. It looks like there a heavy and careless smoker between the weapon team. German commander can not believe this bad luck and spends again some moves to replace HMG.
In the other side, Canadians take control of the church and they succeed to survive repeated artillery attacks from the German player. Several more events have occurred. Eliminated SS squad reappeared at the back in the marshes together with a German leader. Blaze was spreading a few times moreto effectively cut the map in two. German was fighting until the end but without enough units to retake the church he finally conceded the game in this final melee:
A very funny scenario, quite difficult for the German. His only defensive advantage, the HMG at the church went pretty soon unuseful due to the blaze. In fact, blaze marked the scenarioas Canadian attacks came from the opposite side of the main planned attack.
Seeing the final picture we can say that Fontenay was on fire.
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