jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Year Summary


2014 saw many good games at the table.

In January we made a few plays of France 44 by GMT Games. This game features the initial German offensive in France.

Game components are beautiful, rules are clear and well written. Playing with both sides is challenging. It could seem that playing Germans is easy but a lot of crucial decisions need to be made, specially where to move those strong Pz Divisions. Will you be extremely aggressive and advance them without the support or your infantry? On the opposite Allied need to be careful with defense. They had some strong armored units (De Gaulle) to be used at the right moment. It is an interesting game.2014-01-02 18.01.18

2014-01-02 20.28.24

2014-01-02 19.35.19

2014-01-02 20.28.33

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